Cabane de Moiry

Distance: 4.0 - 6.7 miles (one way)

near Zinal in Valais

View of the Moiry Glacier

View of the Moiry Glacier


This short hike leads to the Moiry Hut with stunning bird’s-eye-views of the Moiry Glacier. Extend the hike with a scenic walk along the west side of the Lac de Moiry to the Moiry Barrage (dam) at the foot of the lake.
See Trail Detail/Full Description

  • Distance: 4.0 miles (round trip) to Cabane de Moiry
    6.7 miles (round trip) to Lac de Moiry Barrage (Complete Hike)
  • Elevation: 7,723-ft. at Trailhead
    9,300-ft. at Cabane de Moiry
    7,380-ft. at Lac de Moiry Barrage (Complete Hike)
  • Elevation Gain: 1,577-ft. to Cabane de Moiry
    -343-ft. to Lac de Moiry Barrage (Complete Hike)
  • Difficulty: moderate
  • More Hikes in:
    Zinal / Valais

Why Hike Cabane de Moiry

Situated atop a rocky knoll along the west side of the Moiry Glacier, the Moiry Hut overlooks an incredible river of ice spilling down the north face of the Grand Cornier. Overlooks around the hut offer panoramic vistas of this amazing spectacle of ice, covered with seracs and crevasses.

The short, steep hike to the hut ascends through rocky meadows and then climbs steeply up a hillside covered in rock and boulder fields. Fine views along the trail encompass the Couronne de Breona, Pointes de Mourti and Pointe de Moiry towering above the west side of the valley. To the north, Pointe du Tsate and Sasseneire rise above the west side of the Lac de Moiry.

Extend the hike with a return trip along the west side of the Lac de Moiry to the Moiry Barrage (Dam). Alternately, this hike can be combined with the hike over the Col de Sorebois.

Elevation Profile

Elevation profile for the Cabane de Moiry hike

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