Green Lakes and Granite Basin Lakes Loop

Distance: 10.2 - 14.2 miles (loop)

Jedediah Smith Wilderness, Targhee National Forest, near Driggs in Tetons

Continental Divide from the saddle along Green Mountain ridge

Continental Divide from the saddle along Green Mountain ridge


Ascend through forest and meadows to the Green Lakes Basin at the head of North Leigh Canyon, tucked between Green Mountain and the Continental Divide. Extend the hike by crossing the divide to Granite Basin Lakes, nestled at the head of South Leigh Canyon.
See Trail Detail/Full Description

  • Distance: 10.2 miles (round trip) to Green Lakes
    13.6 miles (loop) to Green Lakes Loop
    14.2 miles (loop) to Granite Lakes Basin
  • Elevation: 7,060-ft. at Trailhead
    9,110-ft. at Green Lakes
    9,395-ft. at Green Lakes Loop
    9,820-ft. at Granite Lakes Basin
  • Elevation Gain: 2,350-ft. to Green Lakes
    2,335-ft. to Green Lakes Loop
    2,760-ft. to Granite Lakes Basin
  • Difficulty: strenuous
  • More Hikes in:
    Driggs / Jackson Hole / Tetons

Why Hike Green Lakes and Granite Basin Lakes Loop

The pretty Green Lakes and Granite Basins Lakes are accessible from the North Leigh Lakes trailhead. A segment of the Teton Crest trail links the two beautiful basins allowing hikers to visit both on a long day hike or a backpacking trip. For an slightly shorter and easier day simply visit the largest of the Green Lakes or loop around the Green Lakes basin before retracing your steps the trailhead.

The trails enjoy views of Green Mountain, the Continental Divide and the peaks rising beyond the Continental Divide in Grand Teton National Park. At times it is possible to see the summit of Grand Teton and its neighbors. Off trail exploration along the divide separating the two basins will yield more fine views of the surrounding peaks.

During late July and early August the meadows are filled with wildflowers. The area is popular with horse riders but never feels crowded. Both lake basins are beautiful places to camp and fish. Bears frequent the basins so be sure to properly secure your food when camping.

Elevation Profile

Green Lake and Granite Basin Lake hike Elevation Profile

Trail Resources

Trail Detail/Full Description / Trail Photo Gallery / Trail Map

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